Privacy Policy & Disclaimer

This website is a resource for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as legal advice. Transmission, display or receipt of the information provided on our website is not intended to create and does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. We work diligently to keep information on the website current. We do not, however, represent, warrant or guarantee that all information will be complete, accurate, or up-to-date when you view the website. HitesmanLaw assumes no liability for the interpretation and/or use of the information contained on the website.

The choice of an attorney is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. We welcome the opportunity to become your attorney. If you are interested in possibly retaining us, we will be delighted to send you additional information about our capabilities, experience and standard terms of engagement.

While HitesmanLaw will maintain the strictest confidentiality of information once it is received by HitesmanLaw via e-mail, when e-mailing information you are accepting the risks of potential lack of confidentiality associated with sending e-mail over the Internet.

While using this website, you may choose to provide HitesmanLaw with information to help us serve your needs. Any personal information you send us will be used only for the purpose indicated. Requests for information will be responded to and used to help us update our site to better respond to similar requests. HitesmanLaw will not sell, exchange or otherwise distribute your personal information without your consent.

Our website contains links to federal agencies, state agencies, and private organizations. These websites are not within our control and may not follow the same privacy, security or accessibility policies. Once you link to another site you are subject to the policies of that site.