
As leaders in employee benefits law, HitesmanLaw provides insight, innovation and ideas to clients in education, government and business, on a daily basis, regarding:

The HitesmanLaw firm is comprised of attorneys who are experienced and knowledgeable, representing both pension and health and welfare benefit plans. Our attorneys are committed to serving clients by offering the following:

  • Plan establishment
  • Tax qualification
  • Administration and governance
  • Trust and fiduciary responsibility issues
  • Plan documentation
  • Summary plan descriptions
  • Reporting and disclosure
  • Service provider agreements
  • Legislative analysis
  • Regulatory and compliance issues
  • Insured and self-funded arrangements
  • Claims dispute resolution

Our clients include state and local governmental entities, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, publicly and privately held businesses, insurers, third party administrators and other plan service providers. We encourage clients to retain our counsel on an “ongoing basis” rather than on an “as needed basis” for proactive legal assistance, as well as to maintain contact and provide the breadth of legal services needed when offering employee benefits.