When employees lose their health benefits, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) may allow them to choose to continue group health benefits provided by their group health plan.

Circumstances in which an employee may find himself/herself could include voluntary or involuntary job loss, reduction in hours worked, death, divorce, or other life events.

Today’s employer could face serious legal consequences should it not comply with COBRA regulations, including responsibilities, deadlines, and required documentation. HitesmanLaw regularly works with clients on a number of fronts concerning COBRA, including:

  • Employer obligations under COBRA
  • What plans are subject to COBRA
  • Length of COBRA coverage
  • The COBRA election process
  • COBRA premiums
  • COBRA deadlines and documentation
  • Plan policies and procedures
  • Provisions related to former employees, retirees, spouses and dependent children
  • Medical benefits available to COBRA beneficiaries including hospital care, physician care, surgery, prescription drugs, and other medical benefits
  • Requirements regarding reporting and disclosure, fiduciary standards, and enforcement under ERISA
  • Consequences of failing to comply
  • State continuation coverage laws
  • and more

HitesmanLaw attorneys provide, on a regular basis, seminars and training regarding COBRA compliance.